MusicIDB Livesite
How it Works
We schedule (4) 90-minute sessions to build out the site, all pages, and content, working with you over a screen-share call (or in person as feasable) to fine-tune colors, details and everything else.
Upon launch, you simply keep up with your calendar, we keep up with your website.
MusicIDB Livesite includes
- Calendar / Featured Events Slider / Event List with Media for bands
- Calendar Synchronization (we’ll implement your events one-time to start you off)
- Food Menu (with optional DoorDash or other integration)
- About Page / Contact Page
- Mailing List Integration
- Up to 30 minutes/month direct website support
- Annual Backup and Update Service
- Web Hosting
- MusicIDB Pro Account
- Recurring Events
- Featured Events TV at your venue
$200/ea for sessions 1 & 2
$150/ea for sessions 3 & 4
After launch: $40/month includes hosting, support, and annual backup
2 year minimum commitment upon launch. Monthly billing begins after 4th session or once website launches, whichever comes first.
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